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Terms of Use

By accessing or otherwise interacting with our servers, services, websites, mobile app ("App"), or any associated content/postings (together, "GuamList"), you agree to these Terms of Use ("TOU"). If you do not agree to the TOU, you are not authorized to use GuamList or download the App. We may modify the TOU at any time in our sole discretion. You are responsible for periodically checking for changes and are bound by them if you continue to use GuamList. Our privacy policy, prohibited list, and all other policies, site rules, and agreements referenced below or on GuamList, are fully incorporated into this TOU, and you agree to them as well.

If you agree to the TOU and (1) are of sufficient age and capacity to use GuamList and be bound by the TOU, or (2) use GuamList on behalf of a business, thereby binding that business to the TOU, we grant you a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-assignable license to use CL in compliance with the TOU; unlicensed use is unauthorized. You agree not to display, "frame," make derivative works, distribute, license, or sell, content from GuamList, excluding postings you create. You grant us a perpetual, irrevocable, unlimited, worldwide, fully paid/sublicensable license to use, copy, display, distribute, and make derivative works from content you post.

Unless licensed by us in a separate written or electronic agreement, you agree not to use or provide software (except our App and general purpose web browsers and email clients) or services that interact or interoperate with GuamList, e.g. for downloading, uploading, creating/accessing/using an account, posting, flagging, emailing, searching, or mobile use. You agree not to copy/collect GuamList content via robots, spiders, scripts, scrapers, crawlers, or any automated or manual equivalent (e.g., by hand). Misleading, unsolicited, and/or unlawful postings/communications/accounts are prohibited, as is buying or selling accounts. You agree not to post content that is prohibited by any of GuamList's policies or rules referenced above ("Prohibited Content"). You agree not to collect GuamList user information or interfere with GuamList. You agree we may moderate GuamList access/use in our sole discretion, e.g., by blocking, filtering, re-categorizing, re-ranking, deleting, delaying, holding, omitting, verifying, or terminating your access/license/account. You agree (1) not to bypass said moderation, (2) we are not liable for moderating or not moderating, and (3) nothing we say or do waives our right to moderate, or not. Unless licensed by us in a separate written or electronic agreement, you agree not to (i) rent, lease, sell, publish, distribute, license, sublicense, assign, transfer, or otherwise make available GuamList or our application programming interface ("API"), (ii) copy, adapt, create derivative works of, decompile, reverse engineer, translate, localize, port or modify the App, the API, any website code, or any software used to provide GuamList, (iii) combine or integrate CL or the API with any software, technology, services, or materials not authorized by us, (iv) circumvent any functionality that controls access to or otherwise protects GuamList or the API, or (v) remove or alter any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notices. You agree not to use GuamList or the API in any manner or for any purpose that infringes, misappropriates, or otherwise violates any intellectual property right or other right of any person, or that violates any applicable law.

When you subscribe to a paid account, you authorize us to charge your account. Any tax is additional. Fees are non-refundable, even for posts we remove, delay, omit, re-categorize, re-rank, or otherwise moderate. We may refuse any posting.