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Welcome to GuamList! Let's start to buy and sell with ease

Welcome to GuamList - the first platform on Guam where you can buy and sell. Here sellers post items such as cars, electronics, rentals, and connect with local buyers. If you're interested in an item, chat with the seller to get more details, meet and complete the purchase. As a seller, list your items in one of our categories, and the posting will be visible for all GuamList users. Only registered users can contact sellers and make postings. Read our articles to protect yourself from scammers and get only a positive experience on GuamList!

You can find answers to the most popular questions below, but if you still need help, contact us via email [email protected].


How to add a posting?

You must sign up to add a posting or Log in if you are a registered user. Follow our guide to add a posting to GuamList and sell your items.

How to delete a posting?

To delete a posting, first, open your account page by clicking on your profile picture. You'll see all active postings. Find a posting you want to delete and click the red button with trash bin to delete the posting.

How to edit a posting?

To edit a posting, first, open your account page by clicking on your profile picture. You'll see all active postings. Find a posting you want to edit and click the blue button with a pencil to edit the posting.

I sold my item. What's next?

Congrats! Don't forget to delete your posting to stop receiving messages from buyers.

I didn't sell my item, but it's not active anymore. Why?

All postings are active for 30 days. After that, they move to "Archive". You can re-post an archived item - open the archive tab on your account page and click the button with arrow.

I'm trying to make a posting but the system says "postings count exceeded"...

The basic plan includes 25 active postings, including 2 in the category "Vehicles" and 1 in "Real Estate". If you need more active postings, we have special plans for you! See this page for more info.

I want to report a scammer/abuse/etc

We want GuamList to be a safe place for all sellers and buyers. If you faced any case of negative experiences on the platform, please let us know via email [email protected]